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"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food"

- Hippocrates

Who I Am


Hello! Thank you for taking the time to learn about me.

My name is Parvaneh, but you can call me Peri. I am a proud mom, a molecular biologist and genetic engineer (Ph.D.), a certified holistic nutritionist (CNP), a certified genetic-nutrition counselor, a clinical aromatherapist, and a faculty member at The Institute of Holistic Nutrition, teaching courses on body metabolism and its relation to nutrition.

I combine my knowledge and experience in genetics and holistic nutrition to provide my clients with a DNA based personalized holistic health plan.

How I Got Here

Before pursuing a carrier in the field of natural health, nutrition and nutrigenomics, I worked as an educator and scientist in the field of molecular biology and genetics for many years.

My journey of discovering the importance of nutrition and a holistic approach to health started with my health issues. While working on my Ph.D. thesis, I was working tirelessly, going days without proper nutrition and sleep, and had a lot of stress. I started developing different health issues such as high cholesterol, excessive weight loss, low immunity, serious stomach pains, acid reflux, depression, and even shingles.

With all the respect that I have for doctors and medical science, unfortunately, taking bottles of the medications that were prescribed by doctors for months, were not effective enough to get my health back and I started to experience some of the side effects.

So, I decided to take control of my health and chose to follow a more holistic and natural treatment plan. Following a healthy diet, proper supplementation, regular exercise, and applying some stress management techniques, did the magic. Within a few weeks, I felt like a brand new person. I experienced firsthand, how proper nutrition and lifestyle can drastically change one's health.

In years after that, I had the same kind of experience with people around me over and over. I realized that in treating many of the chronic health problems, medications are not effective enough and my passion for trying to find the root causes of health issues and learning how to treat them through natural ways grow bigger and bigger.

Finally, I set out to learn what it meant to be a healthy person and became inspired to combine my academic passion for genetics, biochemistry, and microbiology with the nutritional principles that changed my life, and I pursued a career in holistic nutrition and nutrigenetics (the science that studies the interaction between genes, food, and environmental factors).

How I Can Help You


I believe that the future of health services is going to be holistic, natural, and personalized and I take the same subjective approach when providing my clients with totally science-based and personalized nutrition, supplement, and lifestyle protocols, and health plans.

In practice, besides analyzing client's current physical and emotional symptoms, nutritional habits, and lifestyle, I evaluate related lab results (in the context of symptoms) to find the root causes of their health issues and provide them with short and long-term natural solutions that will lead to sustainable health.

I mainly but not solely, help clients that suffer from chronic digestive system issues, fatty liver, type 2 diabetes, and autoimmune issues.

Knowing one's genetic makeup is one of the most important ways to find the root cause(s) of health issues and to take a personalized health plan to its ultimate level.

As a certified genetic-nutrition counselor, I provide and analyze different types of genetic tests to determine client's genetic predispositions for developing health issues related to nutritional deficiencies, ability to detoxify internal and environmental toxins, metabolic sensitivities to gluten, lactose, caffeine, alcohol, cannabis, and commonly used medications, exercise-related risk of injury and recovery, risk of cardiovascular diseases, risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes, hormonal health, mood, and cognitive performance, and more.

The genetic test results are then considered in a comprehensive health plan of nutrition, supplement, lifestyle (based on the epigenetics information) to optimize the activity of the genes that are over or underactive.  

The science of Epigenetics (above gene) studies how food, behaviors, and environment can cause changes affecting the expression and activity of genes (without changing the gene itself) that can be transferred to the next generations.  

By integrating my strong background and experience in genetics, microbiology, and biochemistry, with the sciences of nutrition, and other natural methodologies,

I can help you achieve your health goals, live your optimum health and thrive.

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